App rank by users on the App Store
Over 40 million downloads
Live coverage for over 1,000 Football leagues globally

Engagement & Retention
Personalized notification
New Revenue stream
Betting Revenue opportunities

Combining wide coverage of real-time scores data with a friendly and intuitive UX optimized for millions of loyal users over recent years, enabled us to build a unique set of score features that will enrich the sports experience you’re serving your users and give
a boost to your revenue stream.
All YOU have to do - is implementing one line of a script.

Match Zone Carousel
Your Football articles
are about to become smarter.
The 365Scores Contextual EngineⓇ will analyze your article page on the flight and automatically fetch the right content for the most relevant match, with our engaging cards carousel

By using the 365Scores widgets you’re not only upgrading your real-time sports data and the user’s experience, but you also enjoy the addition of new Advertising Real Estate. No headache -it’s all automatic! We’re talking about an endless number of new placements or a whole new stream of organic revenue.
Automatic placements
Organic Revenue
Use our Tags or yours

They Play You Win
Our betting related content, available for all main leagues and connected to global and local Betting partners will enable you serving live relevant data for the Football partners and get it the betting affiliation revenue pull without getting your clothes wet
Odds on Score List
Display winning odds for all matches in the fixtures list, so real punters can feel at home using you scores feature for their end game
Predictions with Odds
Let the user play with predicting the match score with a proven engagement toll that stimulates an efficient betting funnel
Live Winning Odds
Pre & Live match winning odds, Odds for team’s next match once the match was over so you monetize all page views

Plug & Play
Lightweight widgets to ensure fast upload

Let your users select their favorite teams/leagues to receive real-time notifications, and increase their Engagement and Retention.
The user can choose multiple favorite Teams to follow

The user can choose multiple favorite Leagues to follow
The user receives only relevant notifications

Lightweight widgets to ensure fast upload
An optimized display on all screen sizes
Customizable skin to match
your brand
Don’t waste precious time and resources on integration. Embed one line of code, and enjoy the full value of 365Scores - directly to your users. Choose your skin to align with your brand’s visual language.